Gospel of One, Letters of Aul

by Cliff Mikkelson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781412067805

About the Book

The oneness of all life is a concept that comes from some religious and scientific theories. To some people it is only a theory; to others, it is the truth. This book takes the viewpoint that all life comes from one source whom we call God--the eternal, infinite consciousness of the universe.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part consists of various quotes about the oneness of all life, taken from sources world-wide, ancient and new. The second, and more controversial part, consists of the letters of St. Paul, re-written from the viewpoint of the oneness of all life. It is a compelling message, direct and straight-foward. Read it and find out for yourself.

It is not just an intellectual exercise. This book is meant to help people solve the problems of the world by inspiring people to see that everyone and everything else is truly connected to their own well-being. We are all part of the oneness of God. This book will reinforce your own beliefs about the oneness of life and inspire you to live the life of oneness, or perhaps help you to consider the possibilities.

About the Author

I was born on July 8, 1944, in San Diego, California. I've had a life-long desire to know the truth about God and life. I graduated from San Diego State University in 1967, and then served two years in the U.S. Peace Corps in East Malaysia. I was stationed far upriver in a remote area of the Borneo jungle. While there, I was awakened to the presence of nature spirits and have had a deep interest in them since. That interest lead to my first book, How to Help Nature Spirits Clean Up the Environment. The devic spirits of nature also emphasize the oneness of all life. I have continued to increase my awareness about the oneness of all life in the many circumstances and conditions I have encountered over the years, including marriage, raising a child, gardening, interacting with people in a community, walking in the woods, meditating, and more.