



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/18/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781425160739

About the Book

A tale of a war. A war against evil, and its methods of corruption. Two interplanetary worlds stand against legions of artificial creatures - creatures first formed by geneticists who, blinded by their pride and rebellion, created a race of great exoskeletal beings. Powerful, enduring, intelligent, and endowed with an ever-growing determination to enslave all else that lives, these creatures are heartless and methodical in their march of conquest. Their master is Uednuer, an immaterial being of corruption. These creatures serve him without question, as he implements his design to ultimately rule the physical and metaphysical. For time being, his goal is to conquer a certain solar system that has always given him the strongest resistance, which contains Ært - the planet where the artificial exoskeletal creatures came to being - and Iln - a moon whose inhabitants are allied to the inhabitants of Ært.

This book recounts the story of perhaps the greatest war that has yet ravaged these two worlds. Massive battles, precarious infiltration missions, courage and honor, treachery and deceit, new levels of twisted biological technologies - all of these find their way into the cover of this volume. It is a conflict of truth and lies, of good and evil, of purity and corruption.

About the Author

I was born on March 21, 1991. I live with my wonderful family, which has been my strongest support. I thank them for their encouragement and aid.

I began writing at six. There were roughly illustrated, short stories about science-fiction movies and superheroes, and later (at eight), brief poems. After that age, I wrote seldom. But my imagination was not stagnant during that time period. Between the age of eight and about thirteen, I lived half of my life in an imaginary world - "Pearl Earth".

It started with the finding of a glass marble in the dirt, actually. It was clear, and I almost instantly called it a "pearl". It became the key into a new world of play. I imagined a planet filled with friendly "aliens", talking animals, human explorers, and hostile robots. It was a planet of fantastic incongruities, such as a Jupiter-sized, solid planet capable of supporting atmosphere-surpassing trees, and the feeble roots of the story before you now.

Between then and now, I had wanted to write my world down, but it was not until July of 2006 that I began doing the first outlines. I had completed my first draft by Christmas. Working on through 2007, I finished it in January 2008. Names have changed, and the planet has shrank, but much of my original fantasy remains.

It has been an adventure writing this tale. I hope you will become as captivated in the reading as I was in the development of this story.