A Transpersonal Approach through Theater Arts
Book Details
About the Book
This book offers an innovative approach to healing
and transformation through application of the
12 transpersonal drama therapy principles. It
demonstrates a host of therapeutic techniques
integrating the arts with meditation as clients
heal traumatic memories and shift their identities
from a conditioned, limited sense of self to the
essential Self, or soul Self. Thirty-nine of Ms.
Linden’s students and colleagues demonstrate
how they have applied the 12 principles to a wide
array of populations in need. Collectively, they
have reached all ages, many diverse backgrounds,
and a range of life circumstances and health
conditions— in private practice, community-based
organizations, institutions, events, disaster relief
and international venues.
Throughout the 30 years of the formal life of
the dramatherapy profession, Saphira and her
colleagues have been gradually building and
developing an integrated, profound, joyous, and
generative practice through Omega Theater’s
Drama Therapy Training Institute, and this book
is a culminating demonstration of this amazing
work and these amazing people. Their work is
built on strong foundations, represented by the
wonderful forwards by Zerka Moreno, Ellen
Burstyn, and Pir Zia Inayat Khan. They are the
roots…Saphira is the trunk… and the chapters
are the bloom, of the transpersonal approach to
psychotherapy integrating the arts. It has been
a privilege for me to witness this process unfold
and now to benefit from the remarkable work
described in this book.
David Read Johnson: Co-founder of Drama
Therapy and North American Drama Therapy
About the Author
Saphira Barbara Linden, MA, RDT/BCT, TEP, LCAT, has been Artistic Director, Omega Theater/Theater Workshop Boston since 1967 and Director Omega Transpersonal Drama Therapy Certificate Program for the past 14 years. Adjunct faculty, Lesley University. Awarded 1st Teaching Excellence award NADTA, “fellow” of ASGPP, studied with Morenos, 1970s. Created numerous award winning plays. Her artistic work, subject of half hour film, PBS series, Artists In America. Trained hundreds of professionals in the arts, mental health, education, organizations/corporations. Transpersonal psychotherapist, Management consultant, Sufi meditation teacher/guide, since 1971. Private practice. Author of numerous articles, chapters about her work. This is first book, editor/author.