Our Wintry Day Walk
Book Details
About the Book
As we tromp together through the powdery snow -- can you see what I see?
The frosty granules piling up on the tops of our black rubber boots.
About the Author
Deena C.Bouknight was seized by the publishing bug at an early age. She wrote, illustrated, and fashioned many different books as a young child. But her professional writing career really began in 1982 at a community college in Panama City, Florida, where she was a staff writer for the college news magazine as well as a freelancer for the local newspaper. She was made editor of two different college publications before graduating and beginning work with an international publishing company; there she was editor of three different magazines. In 1992, Deena began a career as a freelance writer and editor. She writes for consumer and trade home furnishings, architecture, and decorating magazines, as well as for general interest and regional magazines. Her creative writing is drawn from personal experiences and her travels to such far away places as Helsinki, Luxembourg, and Cologne, and from her extensive research into North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Mountains. She now resides in South Carolina with her husband, Gary, adopted daughter Madeline, and adopted son, Justin. This is Deena's first published book for children. E-mail Deena at dknight865@aol.com .
Trish Klein lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with her husband, Mark, and their children, Rachel and Evan. Her interest in art began at a very early age with pencil drawings of animals. She then branched out to all areas, including painting, jewelry design, pottery, and graphic art. Trish studied interior design and specializes in high-end kitchen design today. This is Trish's first children's book working together with her dear friend and author Deena C.Bouknight."This was an inspiration for both of us to express our incredible love for our children through the words and pictures of this book."