In God's Grace
Daily Meditations and Prayers for the Season of Lent
Book Details
About the Book
In God's Grace is a powerful and deeply personal rendering of daily meditations and prayers for the Lenten Season. There are many who have already utilized this material in a previously unpublished form and found it to be profoundly helpful as a guide toward self-examination, repentance, and reconciliation. While In God's Grace is written primarily for the Lenten Season there are some who also use it as occasional meditation throughout the year.
About the Author
The Rev. Dr. David H. Lester received both the Master's of Divinity degree and Doctor of Ministry Degree from Bangor Thelogial Semnary. He has spent a life time in service to others and is well known for his skills and expertise in pastoral counseling. Dr. Lester has authored several articles and books. He is a local church historian and has recently published "A History of East Orrington Congregational Church, Orrington Maine". He has spent over forty years teaching modern psalmody, faith discernment and meditation in individual, family and group settings. Dr. Lester and his wife, Joyce, currently live in Orrington, Maine. He serves as Pastor of Ministry for East Orrington Congregational Church, serves on the Executive Committee of the Congregational Christian Council of Maine, and serves as a Mentoring Pastor in the Mentoring Practice Program at Bangor Theological Seminary.