The Ethical Leadership Scales
Ethical Competence Scale Ethical Leadership Scale Ethical organization Scale 3 Tools To Develop And Measure Ethhical Competence In Individuals, Leaders And Organizations
Book Details
About the Book
The three Scales published in this book under the title of The Ethical Leadership Scales are a unique compilation of seminal ideas in ethical and leadership development. The Scales present these concepts in the form of measuring instruments that provide a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of individual and organizational competence in ethical behavior. Also included are a number of essays filled with inspirational insights and analysis about the challenges and possibilities facing humanity at the beginning of the 21st century. As a whole The Ethical Leadership Scales provides a breakthrough contribution to the thought and practice of leadership at a time when the need has never been greater for new insights on how to build successful communities in a sustainable global civilization. Meant to be used as teaching tools by leaders trained in their application, these Scales and the accompanying essays provide a valuable contribution to the development of ethical leadership at all levels in society.
About the Author
Dr. Desmond Berghofer PhD is President of Creative Learning International. For more than two decades he has worked as a teacher, author, conference presenter and workshop leader in Canada and abroad. He served as Assistant Deputy Minister in Advanced Education for the Alberta government from 1977-88. As co-founder of Creative Learning International and the Institute for Ethical Leadership he has delivered programs in leadership development to clients in business, government and the community. Desmond is the author of three novels that inspire hope for the future and encourage confidence in human achievement.