You Promised when the War Ended…

by Henrietta Rowansforde



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/25/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781425190118
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781426910937

About the Book

You Promised When the War Ended – Henrietta Rowansforde

This is a vivid depiction of life in rural England during the closing years of the Second World War as seen by a lively and imaginative young girl growing up in a close-knit family. Tightly regulated rationing affects every aspect of daily life and there are constant reminders of the war being fought not very far away, with the child’s father known to her only by the photo of him that her mother regards fondly, referring to him as ‘her beloved’, and who is just one of the thousands of men dedicating their lives to defending family and country. Other sights recorded include the presence of seemingly endless convoys of tanks and trucks, men parachuting into nearby fields, and barrage balloons floating above.

Despite all this family life continues and the domestic scene is warmly conveyed with the character of the family members keenly developed, and the rigours of their difficulties and the joy of the happy times are all described in the detail only a small child would catch. At the same time her own fears and pleasures are revealed and serve to give a very clear picture of the things that contribute to her growing awareness of family, friends, and other people and their lives.

A recurring story in the book is her mother’s reminiscences of her courtship with her husband and her journey across land and sea to join him at his post in the depths of Egypt where he was an Officer in command of a far-flung outpost of the British Empire between the wars. Of course Henrietta is already familiar with these stories and gets into trouble for interrupting and even at times, correcting her mother when she thinks there are inconsistencies!

When the family move to a new home we get a clear impression of a grand but neglected old farmhouse that has been unoccupied for a long time, possibly due to it having a well-known ghost who can be heard walking about upstairs. The family are reluctant to tell Henrietta about this but of course she soon finds out anyway. The move means exploring a new village and meeting new people and this provides the opportunity for some well-crafted character development.

Throughout the book her best friend Ted and her nanny are always close at hand and are the centre of many of the stories which all contribute to a warm and moving history of a young life in troubled times.

About the Author

Henrietta Rowansforde was born in the south of England. In this book she recounts how she was taught by her mother to draw and paint at the age of four. Henrietta produced many drawings and watercolours full of storm laden clouds, which she exhibited and sold from the age of 12. She studied architecture at the school in Oxford where she honed her drawing skills. At 21 Henrietta married and she and her military husband moved to an island in the Indian Ocean. This was where Henrietta started to incorporate the exotic colours of the tropical architecture and plant life into her watercolours. Upon returning to England for two years she painted and exhibited more moody paintings. The family then returned to the tropics, first to South America, and then in the Caribbean. Henrietta followed in her father’s footsteps and spent some years in Western Canada and then returned home once more to the Caribbean where she now works in acrylic producing many large paintings such as the one shown on the bac kcover. Her work hangs in many private collections throughout the world from Australia to Russia. Henrietta lives in a lush valley in one of the Windward Islands where she has her studios and Gallery. She can be contacted at