Tools For Your Emotional Health Toolbox

by Susan Hansen M.S.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/10/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781412042758

About the Book

Tools For Your Emotional Health Toolbox (formerly titled Tools For Your Toolbox) is a practical, hands-on workbook filled with almost 300 pages of ideas, how to's, activities, worksheets, detailed lesson plans, and informational handouts. The book can be used by teachers, school counselors, group facilitators, therapists, social workers, parents or anyone who has an interest in emotional health or personal growth. The activities are appropriate for students or clients ages 12 to adult.

In a durable, easy-to-use format with reproducible pages, this workbook includes tips for setting up and structuring groups, parent permission letters, student contracts, and other sample forms for starting school-based support groups. There are warm-ups and trust building exercizes, ten basic tools for emotional health (also presented separately in Susan Hansen's companion workbook, (''Ten Real Tools For Real Life''), dozens of additional group activities with detailed lesson plans, and worksheets for group, individual, or classroom use. Finally there are closure activities and a group evaluation form that can be adapted to almost any setting.

Activity topics include self awareness skills, managing feelings and stress, improving communication, creating healthier relationships, understanding the dynamics in families and others settings, grief and loss recovery, problem solving and goal setting, gossip prevention, unsent letters and many other topics relevant to emotional health and growth. All activities are focused on practice, process and experience rather than just theory.

The information and activities in Tools for Your Emotional Health Toolbox are clear and straightforward. They've been used effectively in a variety of settings and have been refined continually over many years. The book provides ready to use resources for professionals who need complete materials to offer students or clients right now. The materials are designed to increase both awareness and skills, and ultimately to encourage healthy empowerment in anyone who uses them, no matter what the situation.

About the Author

Susan Hansen, M.S., has worked in counseling, intervention, and education in the Phoenix area since 1986. She was an intervention specialist in the Peoria Unified School District for six years, previously worked with adolescents at West Valley Camelback Hospital, and taught high school English, drama and creative writing in the public schools. She has facilitated support groups in various settings for many years, and provides training for group facilitators. She is currently in private practice as a personal coach, working with adolescents, adults, and families and she teaches a graduate course in school counseling at Ottawa University in Phoenix.