Don't Sell Yourself Short!

be all That you can be!




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/17/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781425183202

About the Book

There is an unprecedented surge in Global Competition for a vital resource – no, it’s not oil, it’s talent. For every organization [and for you] to succeed, you must expedite a People Strategy that will enable you to:

  • Assess your plusses and minuses,
  • Find opportunities for Growth and Betterment
  • Learn from the Best-of-Class producers
  • Develop a set of skills that improve your performance
  • Construct a “Can Do” attitude that will create a self-starter within you
What makes this book unique is its dual perspective from both corporate America and the military. It is a testimonial of the value of what we once referred to as – the Military Industrial Complex.

First, we give you what corporate America is doing to enhance performance – training ideas, leadership development, and specific tactics for improving your attitude. You will also be given the opportunity for a Personal Assessment of Personality Traits, complete with Personal Development Suggestions.

Second, from the military, you learn to “talk the talk” and how they truly walk the walk. Faced with challenges that you and I would find difficult , harrowing, or even unfathomable, soldiers never back down, perform under the most difficult of conditions, and achieve top performance, regardless of the odds they face.

About the Author

The authors have the background, credentials, and proven track record that say: “You should listen to me, because I have ‘been there.’” They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to any organization . . . and to you. As professional speakers and trainers for many of the world’s largest organizations, they are uniquely qualified to present Best Business Practices to today’s manager and/or employee. Their worldwide exposure as meeting leaders, international marketers and consultants for Fortune 500 companies, plus their extensive consulting background, makes them an ideal fit for your Talent Management experience.