Darling, did you fall off... or... Well, did you win?

Working with horses around the world

by Jennifer Stobart Howard



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/29/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7x10
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781425162924

About the Book

An account of the times and places where the writer has lived and worked with horses: It describes meetings with top trainers and even royalty; of hard work and holidays, of the early days of show-jumpings, Dressage and Three Day competitions in Canada and the USA; of the American Dressage Institute and the setting up of Goodwood Equestrian Centre, Sussex, which became the home of dressage in England for 25 years. A British Horse Society Instructor, Jennifer trained in dressage at the Fulmer School of Equitation in England, under Robert Hall, and later with Franz Rochawansky. In Canada and America she taught riding at Foxcroft School in Virginia, for eight years, and in Pennsylvania, travelling in many states to judge and coach. Jennifer trained young instructors at Crabbet Park, in Sussex, coached in Kenya and Hong Kong, and herself trained under Mestre Nuno Oliviera in Portugal. As an equestrian journalist she attended World Championships and Dressage World Cups, and was behind the scenes at international competitions in Europe and America. A columnist for US Dressage magazine on basic dressage. From the National Equestrian Centre, Taupo, she coached all round New Zealand for five years, before settling down in her South Island home. Graduated BA from Canterbury University. Author of Teaching Riding, Where it all begins Along the way Jennifer provides an honest commentary of what she felt she has learnt from her varied experiences; profusely illustrated throughout with her own photographs. Written in a very readable natural style, it is hard to put down.

About the Author

Jennifer Stobart, born in Sussex, England. Trained under Colonel Jack Hance and Robert Hall; worked for John Sheddon, first Badminton horse trials winner, in Gloucestershire. Qualified BHSI in 1960. Spent 12 years in North America, First in British Columbia, then at Sunnyfield Farm NY where Mr Richard Watjen was Olympic dressage trainer. 8 years in Middleburg Virginia, with the Riding department of Foxcroft Girls School. Competed side saddle and show hunter, horse trials and dressage; traveled round 40 states judging and teaching. Performed twice with the American Dressage Institute. 2 years in Pennsylvania, running a Hunt Club and then at Jeremy Beale's Foxhollow Centre. 1972 To Goodwood House, Sussex, to manage a new Equestrian Centre and help produce the International Dressage competitions. Spent 3 years at Crabbet Park, Sussex as Chief Instructor, training candidates for BHS examination. Twice to Kenya to coach. 1978 to Taupo New Zealand, National Equestrian Centre at the invitation of the NZ Horse Society. Spent 5 years coaching round the country. Competed in dressage on Callenlight, William the Red, The Black Douglas and Charisma. Twice in Haig Dressage Prix St. Georges with The Black Douglas Accredited press IAEJ, at Dressage World Champs at Lausanne, (Switzerland) Cedar Valley (Toronto), Stockholm World Games and Volvo World Cup (Hollywood) 1983 moved to Cust, North Canterbury, became a National Instructor for NZPCA. In 1990 Married Edward Howard (who died in 2000) In 2000 graduated from Canterbury with a BA (English). Published textbook "Teaching Riding, Where it all Begins Teaching".