Lights! Cameras! Cuisine!

Cooking Fabulous Food From the Films You Love

by Holly Erickson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/17/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781426905247
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781426905230

About the Book

A cookbook, entertainment guide, and trivia game collection for film and food lovers with 156 recipes from 56 movies also includes entertainment ideas, film trivia questions, irreverent film summaries, parent/child activity ideas, and suggestions for staging complete cinema-oriented soirees.Most recipes are simple enough for people who barely cook although there are a few for sesoned cooks.There are also snack and drink suggestions to enjoy while viewing a film at home that lead beyond the boredom of pizza and popcorn.

Every moviegoer has a favorite food scene. The films and therefore the cuisines cover the globe. Russian,Welsh, Mexican, Spanish, American, French,Italian, Chinese, Greek,English, Cuban, vegetarian, lo-cal dishes are included.

About the Author

Holly Erickson attended the Pacific Film Archive as regularily as her classes at UC Berkely.She graduated from the California Culinary Academy then cooked at restaurants and caterers, She reviewed restaurants, read scripts at Paramount, and wrote a screenplay about cooking school. Following several positions as a personal chef, she now concentrates on her company, Mrs. Dalloway’s Catering