Kisses From Dolce

A Book for Children About Trusting and Telling

by Susan Komisar Hausman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/28/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781425181383

About the Book

"Timely, poignant and educational, "Kisses From Dolce" teaches children how to speak up when uncomfortable things happen. I enthusiastically recommend Ms. Komisar Hausman's book." ~ Elayne S. Daniels, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist. Created for use by therapists, educators and parents, "Kisses From Dolce: A Book for Children About Trusting and Telling" opens the door for conversation with even the youngest children about feeling safe and their personal boundaries. "Kisses From Dolce" tells the story of little Sophia, her daycare pals and the little doggie they all love, Dolce, whose affection for and with the children plays a part in helping Sophia out of a troubling situation. Sophia's wise daycare teacher, Miss Carrie, knows the signs of change she's observed in Sophia might mean she could use some adult help. With that help, and the love and affection of her doggie and pals, Sophia's road to feeling happy again begins to get paved. In a world where 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is the victim of sexual abuse before their 18th birthdays, "Kisses From Dolce" models what to look for in a troubled child and how to gently encourage him or her to share what is happening. Discussion and resource pages are also included. A percentage of the sale of each new Dolce book is donated to a child sexual abuse prevention workshop fund.

About the Author

"Kisses From Dolce" is Susan Komisar Hausman's first book. A 1979 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Komisar Hausman is currently a facilitator for Darkness To Light's award-winning Stewards Of Children child sexual abuse prevention workshop for adults, as well as president of her own company, No Secrets No Shame, LLC, dedicated to promoting awareness and prevention of child sexual abuse. The author of several published essays, she is currently at work on a novel for adults. Ms. Komisar Hausman lives in Massachusetts with her husband and daughter.