The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today

by Jim Lynn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781412245890
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781553692065

About the Book

Was it God or man that put an end to divine healing in today's Church? This is the question that led author, Reverend Jim Lynn, on a three year long study. What he learned and shares in his book will have a profound influence on the Church and deepen your faith.
The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today sets forth that all healing is at once divine and timeless, not something relegated to a chapter in the book of life. The book makes a compelling case for the Christian Church to become the healing Center God created Her to be.
"This book is a long-needed explanation of the mission and role of healing in the Christian community, "says Lynn. "Churches today are failing because they believe God no longer heals. The book does not question the legitimacy of the modern medicine, but questions why the Church today has severed divine healing from its divine calling. The book serves to put god back into healing, and healing back into the Church.
Critical at times, the book condemns secular medicine that harms or even kills in the name of healing. "Medicine that harms is of evil. Medicine that heals is of God and never harms," says Lynn. "In God's medicine chest there is no such thing as 'acceptable risk', only healing. Our good health is not a matter of chance but a birthrght."
We hear discussion today about integrated medicine. God's concept of integrated medicine is the physician, patient and Church all working together as partners (spiritual warriors). This form of medicine never harms, never kills. The human body, spirit and soul are considered as one, with each part affecting the whole. Above all, God in Jesus Christ is acknowledged as Yehovah-rapha, the God of healing.
Filled with illustrations people can relate to, the book is an easy read and difficult to put down. Readers will learn why people suffer, why so few are healed when prayed for, read of healings modern medicine cannot explain, and learn why the Church mission is unfulfilled without a healing ministry.

About the Author

Pastor Jim Lynn is a minister ad evangelist for the church of Christ and holds a degree in Sacred Literature from White's Ferry Road School of Biblical Studies. In 1990-01, Jim served as a missionary to Russia and Ukraine. While in country he lectured on the nature of Christianity at Russian State Medical University, Moscow, and taught a course on Bible at Dnepropetrovsk State University in Ukraine. As a result of his work, many souls came to believe in the gospel and were baptized into Christ.
Pastor Lynn is founder and direstor of The Power For Healing Workshop, a non-denominational ministry that trains and equips Churches for the healing ministry. An accomplished writer, artist and public speaker, Jim has appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including the World Broadcasting Network in Franklin, Tennessee. In 1989 Jim illustrated the Good News gospel magazine, published by We Care Ministry.
Pastor Lynn is the father of two children, a former Air Traffic Controller of 16 years, an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, a recipient of Most Outstanding Young Citizen Award, and holder of a letter of Commendation from the Federal Aviation Administration.
In 1968, Pastor Lynn successfully raised one million signatures opposing the atheist, Madelyn Murray O'Hare, in her effort to ban the transmission of reading the Bible and praying over NASA radio. For his work Jim was invited to be an honored guest at a NASA Apollo Mission banquet.