Tales From Crotch Lake
Book Details
About the Book
Ever wonder what men really do on their fishing trips? I mean really wonder? Well, here it is - laid out for all the world to see in these twenty-three stories - lived and collected over our forty years' of heading north of the border on our annual fishing trips to beautiful Crotch Lake, Ontario.
Crotch Lake? Yep! That's the name and there really is such a place! Romantic isn't it? And it is on the map, but you'll have to read on to learn more about the lake and it's intriguing name.
The stories in the book are all true...well, they're true for the most part...except where I decided to make stuff up or my memories have been dimmed by the dual fogs of alcohol and....(I can't for the life of me remember what the other fog is. Sorry.)
Except in several instances, the names have been scrupulously maintained to identify the culprits and to preserve for all posterity the perversity of their genius, the magnitude of their gullibility, or their otherwise inane or inadvertent contributions to the merriment that has always characterized our annual fishing, philosophy, and survey-of-the-state-of-Canadian-brewing-and-distilling- arts expeditions.
About the Author
Harry D. George, Jr. (1949- )
Mr. George is an occasionally charming, but otherwise incorrigible, middle-aged, iconoclastic old fart and fisherman. He has been making annual pilgrimages to Crotch Lake since he was fourteen (which was a long time ago).
In addition to fishing, he also enjoys:
writing, traveling, scenic, marine, and travel photography, boat captaining, napping, essaying, spoofing, satirizing, puttering, bullshitting, playing the piano, trombone, and/or euphonium (if you have to ask, don't - but it ain't a tuba), computerizing, and fixing things with duct tape, WD-40, and/or Superglue.
He hates: mowing the grass, cats, politicians, going to work (which interferes with just about everything), neckties and socks.
Education: B.S (plenty) and J.D (Just Did)
Miscellaneous: Mr. George is divorced, has two dogs, five boats, two cars, a house, a girlfriend, and has successfully spawned twice:
Jennifer - an up-and-coming photographer of the first order and a fine fisherperson, and
Harry, III - a dashing young man and a fisherman of the first order who just plain catches fish - The Twerp!