A Cry For Help

The Fantastic Adventures of Elian Gonzalez




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/14/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781552124406

About the Book

A Cry For Help: The Adventures of Elian Gonzalez is a blend of fantasy and fiction as the epic journey of Elian Gonzalez from Cuba to Miami is portrayed in a detailed and fascinating light. As Elian and his traveling comrades took their chance on the dangerous crossing, a great storm came up, swallowing all save for Elian, saved only when he was placed onto an inner tube and he floated to safety. A Cry For Help is indeed a timely and fascinating novel.

About the Author

Frank Senauth was born in Guyana, South America. As a teen he had two wishes: one was to write and the other to travel. His first wish came true in 1959 when he was able to venture out to London, England, where he worked and studied. In 1973 he felt that Canada held better prospects for him and he subsequently immigrated to Winnipeg, Canada. He worked at several jobs until he was able to start his own real estate business.

In 1986 he retired from the business, and decided to pursue the second wish of his boyhood dream. Having the leisure and the means to pursue a writing career, he took up several creative writing courses in children's and adult literature in Canada and the United States. He had no idea that it would have taken him ten long years' of hard work and dedication to bring his creative writing to life, making the second wish of his boyhood dream nearer to reality. He really wanted to write to entertain his audience, and make them feel that they were part of the story. He felt without an audience there would be no story to tell.

Senauth feels that creative writing has changed somewhat throughout the years, and that he has learnt to write for an audience rather than himself. After many years of developing his prose, he felt ready to take on the world with his fascinating writing. His first idea for a novel was A Wish To Die -- A Will To Live, published in the United Kingdom in October 1997. His previous work, To Save The Titanic From Disaster II is also available from Trafford. The author lives in Winnipeg with his wife Maria and teenage son Anthony.

The author hopes that you'll enjoy reading his work, as much as he has enjoyed writing for you, the wonderful public, because without you there would be no one to write for.

Also by Frank Senauth:
Also by Frank Senauth:
To Save the Titanic from Disaster II
A Day of Terror: The Sagas of 11th September 2001
A Wish to Die - A Will to Live
The Command (Segments of the War in Iraq 2003
Cold Days of the Snipers