Lake Solitude
Book Details
About the Book
A collection of vignettes, poems, and artwork chronicling eight years of the author's trials a s a neophyte traveler through the American West. The second of two books, Lake Solitude depicts an inner journey through self-discovery, highlighting the many extraordinary people and circumstances encountered along the way. Through a personal journey, the reader may identify with a poem here or a story there, as if the image were written with them in mind.
About the Author
Deborah Lynne Carlton is a native Maine with a background in fine art. In the fall of 1993, Deborah packed the car with painting supplies headed West. She lived throughout the Rockies for six years, sometimes working as a back country cook in Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado, often camping and painting between jobs or working in Sedona during the winter. During that time poetry and essays flew off the pen as fast as the paint flew off the brush -- wide open plains, elusive rivers, red rock canyons and indigo mountains replaced the pastoral scenes of Maine with many life lessons and opportunities to grow along the way. Returning to Maine in 2001, Deborah established a holistic healing practice specializing in essential oil therapies for spinal, immune and emotional health. “Creativity can be channeled anywhere, whether you’re painting, baking bread, raising a family or working with someone in a healing way.” It’s all energy and it is either flowing or blocked. The artist, the writer and the healer all tap into the same sort of vision to promote movement.
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