A Dulcimer Builder's Do-It-Yourself Guidebook

by Randy Davis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/26/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781412250184
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781553950103

About the Book

Finally. A Good Book On Building a Dulcimer.
How does $29.95 sound versus $900.00 or $1,500.00? If cost is a consideration and you enjoy a good project, this book is for you! Full of photographs, illustrations, patterns, clear instructions and helpful advice, this book guides you step-by-step through the crafting of a professional model 15/14 hammered dulcimer with a floating soundboard. Randy "Ardie" Davis takes you through the secrets of building a hammered dulcimer that will look beautiful and sound even better. Materials, tools, suppliers, resources - all are covered in this thorough and easy-to-follow book.

Over 185 pages of clear, proven instructions, incorporating Ardie's unique "Maker's Notes," "Maker's Hints," and "Maker's Cautions" that provide the reader with Ardie's years of woodworking experience. Ardie covers all of the tools used to make the dulcimer, and points out which are "nice to have" and which are essential. He provides a brief description of why and how each tool is used.

Ardie's illustrations are comprehensive and easy to understand. He leaves nothing to chance or guesswork when it comes to explaining each step. From cutting the first board to stringing and tuning - he covers it all!

An essential part of building a hammered dulcimer is the use of accurate patterns. Included in the book are pre-printed patterns for Pin Blocks, Treble Bridge, Bass Bridge, the Side Bridges, and a beautiful design for the sound hole. Simply tear them out, cut and tape together, and go to work!

    How This Book Is Different
  • Other books exist on the craft of making Hammered Dulcimers, but they either give the subject short shrift, or are too complicated for non-engineers. Here are some good reasons to buy this book!
  • In addition to his woodworking skills, Ardie has a Masters degree in English. This book is well-written and easy to understand. The text is clear and concise.
  • The drawings and illustrations are designed for the amateur woodworker, not for engineers. They are helpful and easy to follow.
  • The plan for this dulcimer is complete but not overly complicated. Ardie breaks the plan down into manageable tasks.
  • The book is up-to-date with the latest information on hammered dulcimer suppliers, resources and publishers - including Web sites, emails, and other contact information.
  • The book contains a complete list of tools used to build the dulcimer - with explanations of how and why they are used - and helpful descriptions of all materials required.
  • This book is available in a special CD-ROM version that has 'QuickLink' hyperlinks to quickly take you to all Chapters and Headings, and to 50+ Dulcimer Resource and Supplier Web sites and Emails on the World Wide Web. All pages can be printed as needed for use in your shop!
  • All registered book owners will receive access to a special Web page containing on-line resources and suppliers, helpful information, additions, corrections, FAQs, photographs and more!
  • A special Foreword by master builder and performer, Mr. Dana Hamilton!

About the Author

With 25 years of experience in woodworking and craftsmanship and a Masters in English, Randy "Ardie" Davis brings a refreshingly clear approach to building hammered dulcimers. He is the creator and proprietor of Ardie's Handcrafted Dulcimers, which can be found at www.hamiltonardie.com on the Web.

Randy, his wife, Debbie, daughter, Lauren and two pets live in Arlington, Texas.