Spiritual Warfare
A Spiritual Revelation
Book Details
About the Book
Discerning spiritual matters is a necessity for all but only those in Right Relationship with Christ our savior have this ability manifeseted in them for the building up of the Body of Christ.
About the Author
The prayers in this manual were given to Pastor Wilson by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. These divine utterances are covenant, redemptive words designed by the Holy Spirit to bring deliverance to those held captive by demonic spiritual forces. We must take away from Satan all legal rights that he claims over his captives. The prayer of "Cleansing and Restoration" is listed first in this manual for the purpose of restoring to the believer, legal rights to approach God. We must also lay claim to other awesome provisions in our new covenant in Christ.
Remember: Demonic forces can be released through our words. They also can be broken and cast out if we consistently speak redemptive words everyday.
By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thy shalt be condemned.
You can bring God's judgement against any and all demonic forces by verbalizing the redemptive revelation of Christ's conquest over the enemy through His resurrection.