Fiddler Crabbe

by George Dixon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/26/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781553693024

About the Book

    Fiddler Crabbe ... lopsided from birth, with preternatural strength in his left side! Capturing the world's attention and saving a man's life with a stunning display of punching power! Wooed into the fight game by a crafty promoter and his Mafia overlords! Betrayed and left to die, only to be saved by a miracle!
    Populated by a rich assortment of fight world denizens, this is one of the best novels ever written about the ring. If you like to watch the fights, and wonder about what's happening to them, you won't want to put this book down until Fiddler finds life's answers in a woman's eyes.

Reader Comments About the Book

    "I finished (reading) your novel yesterday. Congratulations!!! It was wonderful. When are you writing more? How long did it take you to write this one? Unbelievable!! I really enjoyed it."
    P.H., North Blenheim, NY.

    Your writing is amazing. It has the (apparent) effortless professionalism of a published work - congratulations on your upcoming publication! From what I've read so far, you deserve it!

    I'm impressed. Your first novel, you say? I think it will make it to print, if you can hold the rest of the story up so well as in this first chapter. It's very good and I look forward to reading more. J

    This is wonderful! I can't wait to buy the book!

    I really enjoyed this! Do they really have proms in Ireland? I thought that was just an American thing. Anyway, good luck with the novel!

    Hello Mr. Dixon, I thouroughly enjoyed your piece "Fiddler Crabbe, Chapter 1". Your lyrical description and eloquence wrapped me up and took me to the coast of Ireland to see your story unfold before my hungry eyes. Thank you very much for such a literary treat. I do hope you either post more chapters or let us know when this is published so we may feast upon the rest of this lovely piece.

About the Author

    George Dixon is a retired consulting engineer (computers). He worked on both government and private sector projects during his engineering career. He maintains, a web site devoted to mathematics and physics. He is also a contributor to a web site that hosts literary works by aspiring authors and poets ( ) .
    He has been married to Marjorie Dixon for 37 years, and has two grown children and one grandson. George's personal web site can be reached from the website by going to its "Who We Are" page.
    George graduated from Hamilton College in upstate New York (USA). After earning the BA degree, he took several courses in undergraduate and graduate physics and mathematics at MIT and the University of Colorado. Prior to entering the engineering field, he served a tour of duty in the U.S.Air Force and was stationed in Germany.
    George and his wife divide their time between their residence in Mesa, Arizona and a small ranch they own south of The Grand Canyon.