You Were Created

How To Find Peace In A Chaotic World




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781553691303

About the Book

    With the onslaught of terrorism, comes the question "WHY?" The fact is evil has reigned in the hearts of men and women long before our generation. Every time we are selfish or mean it causes pain to someone. Sin is the cause of evil, not God. From the very beginning God has allowed men and women the freedom of choice and when wrong choices are made there are consequences. The consequences usually affect more than the guilty one(s). God never intended His special creation to choose evil.
    You Were Created explains God's love for us even when we disobey Him. It covers several areas that we struggle with every day. His answer is not a government economic or welfare program. It is a program that, in love, calls His children back home to Him. It is about change from the inside out that gives us the desire to do good instead of evil. It is a program that will give peace even amidst extreme turmoil.

About the Author

Robert and his wife, Brenda, have been married for 32 years. They have three children and four grandchildren. Brenda is a full time homemaker. In the past, she has held positions in the fields of computer data entry, classroom education, church hostess, and church secretary.
Robert is a bi-vocational minister. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Math from East Texas Baptist College, and two graduate degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; a Master of Religious Education and a Master of Divinity with Languages. He also earned a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University.
Robert served his country as a jet pilot in the United States Air Force during the Viet Nam war and as a helicopter pilot in the United States Army Reserves afterwards. He is currently an Aircrew Program Manager on theBoeing 767 with the Federal Aviation Administration. He is also a Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol.
Robert and Brenda can be reached at with a short note (no attachments).