Advanced Creative Thinkers
A New Way to Look at How Some Kids Learn
Book Details
About the Book
Advanced Creative Thinkers (ACT) is the first book that offers on line testing to help frustrated parents and educators identify not just merely bright underachievers but advanced creative thinkers. The author writes from a parent/ teacher perspective about the problem of these students who do not find school pleasurable. A new way to look at how these kids learn breaks the cycle for this unidentified and overlooked group of students who unnecessarily struggle in schools that don't meet their needs.
This book promises rich rewards with a simple plan of action that offers insight into a long term approach of resolving the problem of identifying the student with advanced creative thinking skills (ACT). The well thought out design encourages parents as well as teachers, to create a positive and supportive learning environment in which all students' needs can be fulfilled.
The book is divided into three parts:
Part I A New Way to Luok as How Some Kids Learn centers on the defining
creative thinking and how it differs from logical thinking.
Part II Advanced Creative Thinking discusses why ACT students are often
misdiagnosed as ADD and gives advice to parents on how they can be
distinguished through testing.
Part III ACT4Me blueprints for parents and teachers' motivational
techniques that make children feel good about themselves and their
accomplishments while restoring a sense of structure and order in the family.
You can view the book's website at
About the Author
Elaine I. Ely, Ph. D. is a certified teacher of "gifted students" and a Reading Specialist with 24 years of experience as an educator of middle school students. She served as a lecturer at the Creative Retirement Center of International College, and presently teaches at the Renaissance Academy of Florida Gulf Coast University in Naples, Florida where she resides with her husband. One of her major concerns is the lack of a clear distinction between the common characteristics of the bright, boisterous or rambunctious child who is an advanced creative thinker (ACT) and the child with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). This concern led her to do doctoral research in finding ways to identify creative giftedness in middle school students. As a result of her research, she can now offer two tests that yeild a numerical score of a student's creative potential: T.E.A.M. and OEQ 2.