Cape Cod Summers
Book Details
About the Book
Cape Cod Summers and more as envisioned through the perceptive eyes and humorous "wild imagination" of a young boy who grew up and out of his New England childhood short pants as Paul Fithian, and into his Californian long patns as Paul Vaughn.
The poignant pictures Vaughn paints with words jog the memory of many who remember their own youth "on the Cape" during the mid-20th century. Other vignettes are unique to this last of three boys whose family traces back to, at least, the dingy beside the Mayflower.
A boy whose New England heritage was ingrained in his heart and soul enough that he often imagined his Puritan ancestors in their black, buckled hats looking over his shoulder whenever he was doing something not quite right...which was often.
It makes no difference where on the Cape these scenes take place, but only that the Cape melds mentally and physically with this youngster as he struggles to find his own self in his own world.
These Cape images create scenes of a yesteryear bringing smiles, chuckles and outright laughter to those who have also left their hearts on Cape Cod, and to those doing so at this very moment.
About the Author
As the original Paul on TV's "Cheers", as an actor in film, on stage and in hundreds of commercials, as a member of Hollywood's Writer's Guild and now as an Educational Motivator and Consultant throughout the world, he weaves a story of forty-one glimpses of the Cape's past that will not come 'round again.
- Paul Vaughn is the author of three Educational Double CD Sets
- How To Help Your Child Successfully Through School and into the Better Colleges'
- How To Stay in College...Enjoy It... Succeed... and Graduate
- Birth Order: How It Affects Students, Siblings, Parents, Soul Mates, Co-Workers and You
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