A Collection of Short Gospel Poems

by Elder Wilkins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/26/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781412246330
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781553692836

About the Book

This is a collection of short gospel poems composed to bring healing and deliverance to the masses. The collection offers hope to those that are hopeless and help to those who need it. The tone of the collection is one of faith in knowing that God is and will do just wnat he says He will do. All who read the collection will find something of value in it for themselves or someone else they know. While reading the collection, one is transported to the realms of The Spirit where one can exist where all power belongs to God, the Ruler Supreme and no one has to cry or die. For example, the poem titled The Lord Jesus Is My Man clearly depicts ever lasting life via the written words, "I shall die and know Him still when He carries me away from here".

Equally as evident in the realm of love, the poem titled, How My King Appeared to Me shows a love for Jesus The Christ that is unmatched in brilliance and un-paralleled in purity. The reader knows and understands the meaning of the expression "I would go to different places through-out the city and you would show up! I'd be walking and you'd appear beside me. In front of me. I was afraid at first because you appeared so suddenly, but you caused me to know that it was you and I would fear no more.

I Am In Love With The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates the un-dying love for Jesus The Christ King that leaves the reader knowing that there is more to come and more to what they have been thinking and feeling in terms of what "true" love is and how it goes. The reader learns the differences between love and lust as the imperfections of "falsehoods and indiscretions on love and how it goes" are revealed and displayed "up-close" for all to see.

In reading the collection, one is able to enjoy God in His totality, hear about Him and His goodness and ten experience firsthand the power of God in the highest as they allow Him to come into their lives and empower them to "be saved". The Prayer of Salvation is steadfast in the realm of the parent and the child finding, loving, caring for each others' thoughts, views, wishes, and feelings.

Lastly, the reader is made starkly aware of the power of God as He dis-allows the successes of the enemies of The United States of America and supports the United States of America and the entire world as they respond to search out and destroy terrorism and its' support world-wide. These truths are evident in the poem You Are The Best Lord Jesus where the United States of America requests and receives God's help in its global war on terrorism.

About the Author

Pastor Prophet Elder Billionaire Wilkins was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He holds an Associates in Arts Degree in Liberal Arts from Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, Illinois; a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Special Programs from Chicago State University, Chicago, Illinois; and is currently completing the Master of Arts Degree in Educational Leadership in Higher Education Administration and the Master of Science in Educational Technology at Chicago State University, Chicago, Illinois.

Owner, CEO, CFO, and COO of his own international Export & Import company, Elder Billionaire Investments, Pastor Wilkins published his first collection of Gospel poems, A Collection Of Short Gospel Poems Spring 2002. Pastor Wilkins has eight Gospel Poems published in eight International Anthologies: Patterns of Life Published Fall 2002; Letters From The Soul, published Spring 2002; Under A Quicksilver Moon published Spring 2002; Best Poet and Best Poems 2003, to be published January 2004; Best Poet and Best Poems 2002, published Spring 2003; two time Best Poet and Best Poems 2001, published Spring 2002; and In Dawns Shadow, published Fall 2001.

Pastor Wilkins was inducted into The International Society of Poets in March 2002 and awarded over thirty International Poet of Merit Awards for 2002 - 2003; a five time nominee for Poet of the Year 2002; awarded Best Poems and Best Poet 2001-2003; and received the Editor's Choice Award twice in September 2003 and June 2001. Over thirty of Pastor Wilkins' Gospel poems have also been professionally recorded as part of three international poetry collections that include The Sound Of Poetry recorded Spring 2003; Spring 2002, and Fall 2001. Pastor Wilkins has been honored in The United States Achievement Academy's All American Scholar 2000 and in The National Deans List 1998-1999.

A long-time staunchest Christian Philanthropist, Pastor Wilkins has expanded his philanthropic endeavors to include feeding and clothing the needy all over the world, operating expenses for two Christian twenty-four hour television satellite stations for four years, and operating expenses for four years for one Christian radio station. His public service includes membership in CWA, the world's largest public policy organization. In private life, Pastor Wilkins is a member of God First Ministries of Chicago.