George W. Bush

in the Whirlwind

by Bryan LaBerge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/20/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781553958437

About the Book

George W. Bush: In the Whirlwind examines the beginning and early years of the Presidency of the 43rd President of the United States. New author Bryan LaBerge provides a mix of political savvy with an outside Washington DC common man perspective. In the Whirlwind explores a broad range of events and political topics that run the span of years from the 2000 Republican primary election through the mid-term elections of 2002.

Some think of Bush as not up to the task. Some believe him to be a product of the September 11 attacks. Still others think him an illegitimate President. In the Whirlwind takes these issues head on and answers them from a political outsider's perspective. Unlike many current books about George W. Bush, In the Whirlwind looks at the whole presidency of George W. Bush and not just one defining moment. The book provides the reader a big picture historical viewpoint that will leave them wanting more.

About the Author

Bryan LaBerge graduated from Liberty University in 1994 with a degree in Government. After a brief stint working in the US Senate, he joined the 1996 Republican Presidential Campain of Alan Keyes. Bryan has been active in many political campains on both the state an local level. He currently works in Public Relations for a Fortune 500 company.

Bryan and his wife Mindy have two children.