Games from Eden

by Jean Montgomery



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/26/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 274
ISBN : 9781553696735

About the Book

Twin children, derisively named Adam and Eve, were born in Lucas, Kansas - home of S.P. Dinsmore's concrete Garden of Eden. As children, they co-created an exclusive reality that included communicating telepathically and feeling each other's emotions. The story finds Adam and his twin sister Evelyn as financially successful adults in New York and Colorado. Separated from each other and their world by impenetrable walls of self protection, they remain confused by the memories of experiences that have left them estranged and lonely. When Evelyn is killed in a car accident, Adam insists that her body remain on life support while he deals with his unresolved guilt concerning their separation. Meanwhile, in an extended near-death experience, Evelyn explores the world of the half-dead, frustrated in her attempts to reestablish the childhood trust and communication she knew possible with her brother. Through their struggles, each faces their greatest fears and finds the internal strength to take their next step in life. Games From Eden is a metaphysical adventure spiced with synchronicity, precognition, symbolism and experiences of the human struggle to understand the games of life.

About the Author

I was born and raised in Montana, and though I have lived in Massachusetts, Kansas, and India, I returned to live on a small farm in Montana several years ago. My professional career has been focused in education and counseling. For the last four years, my sister and I have offered summer workshops for women using individual energy sessions, voice dialogue, and group work to facilitate healing. I also assist my husband in a small private counseling practice. Games From Eden is my first book. The theme for the book arose during a workshop I was co-facilitating, where I became aware of the role that protection plays in preventing many women from opening to and trusting themselves. I have raised 4 children to adulthood and am thoroughly enjoying getting to know my five grandchildren.