Mental Coaching
Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Better Quality of Work Life, Job Performance, and Lasting Behavioral Change
Book Details
About the Book
The workforce today is facing ever increasing demands for higher productivity, usually at the severe cost of decreasing quality of work life and private life. Inhibited by limiting beliefs, decreasing motivation and the burden of past negative experiences, many employees have a hard time coping, even with their normal, daily challenges. Motivational speakers come and go, people are "high" for a week or so, but then they dive back into despair.
This book addresses this problem, namely how to acheive higher productivity without sacrificing the quality of work life or private life. It also describes how this problem can be solved by utilizing Neuro-Linguistic Programming interventions. The research, which this book is based on, proves that lasting positive changes can be induced in a short period of time, and that a significant increase in work life quality has a profound influence on productivity.
This ground-breaking book contains descriptions of the research, the processes utilized, and the results achieved in an easy to read format.
About the Author
Trygve Roos, DPhil, has extensive experience in people management, having held managerial positions in Honeywell, Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, and Apple Computer. Prior to starting his own consulting and training company together with Dr. Terttu Gronfors, he functioned as the Hewlett- Packard Computer Group Division Manager in South Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Trygve Roos is a certified NLP Master Trainer, a certified Design Human Engineering Trainer and a professional hypnotist. Between 1989 and 1995 he ran a psychotherapy practice, utilizing Hypnosis and NLP. Since 1991, he has been conducting training courses in NLP, Hypnosis, DHE and Psychotherapy. He has conducted Hypnosis training for medical doctors, specializing in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at Helsinki University.
He has co-authored a book about NLP in Finnish, "What is NLP", and in 1999 he published a book baout NLP is Swedish "NLP- The Road to Success and Change"
Dr. Roos received his doctorate from IMCA in Buckingham, England in 2001. His ground-breaking thesis "Utilizing individual interventions for managing and permanently changingbehavioral and thought patterns of employees in organizational contexts" was awarded the grade "With Distinction". This book is based on his thesis.
He is Associate Professor in Learning and Development at IMCA (International Management Centres Assosiation), the world's largest work-based educational organization. In addition, he also runs a successful training and consulting company, specializing in leadership development and quality of work life training and consulting.