All You Need to Know About the National Car Test

by Dessie Enan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/5/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781412010696

About the Book

This Book is written with the intention of giving the Car Owner a comprehensive understanding of the National Car Test, describing all aspects of what happens during the Test, how and why items and components are tested, why they pass and why they fail and in so far as is possible, describe the some of technicalities and mysteries of the automobile in layman's terms. It will describe the procedure from start to finish, how to book your Test, how to prepare for the Test, what to expect at the Test Centre, what you will see as your car is being tested, and what to do at the end of the Test. The book is not an "official" publication by N.C.T.S. or the Government, but is written on observations, research and information gleaned since the N.C.T. was introduced in Ireland in 2000; as well as the author's experience in the Motor Trade, and aims to be totally unbiased.

However, some passages in this book may be perceived to be critical of the Motor Trade in general. This is not the case. There are many, many fine Garages and Motor Mechanics in business, but as they will be first to acknowledge, there are also some who are not so fine, as is the case in any trade, and if standards of car repair and workmanship are improved by such criticism, then so be it.

Remember, the National Car Test is based on safety, and one thing is has achieved is to raise the awareness of people in the Motor Trade to this end, which can only be good for the Car Owner. Speaking of which, it would be true to say that since its introduction, the Car Test has met with a certain degree of hostility. Only to be expected, as it is a compulsory test which the Car Owner has to pay for. But, believe it or not, N.C.T.S. are on your side. (Although taking sides is not a good way to describe it!) This will be explained more fully in the next couple of pages. (Introduction) Bear in mind too, that N.C.T.S. Vehicle Inspectors are only human, and if you are unhappy in any way with the Test, there is a simple but comprehensive appeal procedure in place to deal with this. (Explained later) It is hoped that the National Car Test is embraced by all for what it is i.e. to make the road a safer place for everyone.

And, as it say's in all good books of this nature, while every care is taken to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be taken by the authors for errors or omissions.

Finally, Vehicle Inspectors throughout this book are referred to as "he", even though there are some female V.I.'s. Apologies to these fine ladies, but the author is too lazy to keep writing "he or she" all the time, and hopes he will not incur their wrath!

About the Author