20 Things You Should Know About Me




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/6/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x5
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781412023948

About the Book

How much do your partner, friends or colleagues really know about you? If they were on a game show and they were asked questions about you, how well do you think they would do or visa-versa? Many of us have friends or partners for years, yet some of us would struggle to answer some quite basic questions about them.
20 Things You Should Know About Me, is a gift book created to enable you to write and personalise your own book. Passing factual, personal and aspirational information to someone you would like to get to know better or care about. This could be a new or existing partner or friend, a family member, or a corporate team building exercise between colleagues etc.
You simply answer the 20 questions in the book in your own unique way. Being as creative, crazy, funny, loving, sincere, sexy etc as you wish - writing as much or as little as you please. The author may also choose to include pictures, illustrations or additional messages. This is an excellent gift that the reader will have as much fun reading, as the author will have writing.
The book can be written and used in several ways. For example, it can be bought as a gift for someone, so they can become the author and give it to whom they please, or return it; Someone may choose to buy two books - completing one and giving the other to someone they care about, so they can exchange books with each other; the book may be kept by the author who can review their answers in five, ten or fifteen years time.

About the Author

Hello my name is Dionne Jude, I am the creator of 20 Things You Should Know About Me. I am an entrepreneur and currently run my own on-line business nappycakesuk.com, as well as an educational and career development consultancy service. I was inspired to create this concept after receiving several emails from friends. These emails contained questions that they had completed about themselves, with instructions that I do the same and forward my answers on to others I knew. The questions required us to provide factual, personal, and often thought provoking answers; I always learnt something new about friends that I had known for years. It was fun, but also enabled us to understand each other a lot more.  I decided to turn this concept into a book, so partners, friends, family and colleagues, new and old could write and personalise set information about themselves. Thus enabling someone they choose, to learn more about them.