Let God Help You Choose Your Partner

by Babatunde B. Adeboye



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 350
ISBN : 9781412024037

About the Book

In today's complex and troubled world it can be very daunting and intimidating for the single Christian when it comes to making choices. For the single person who desires to be married someday where do they start? Is it God's will for me to be married, how do I pray the right prayer, how long do I have to wait, who is the right person, do I have to go dating and courting someone before getting married? How does my lifestyle affect my relationship with God, my singleness and my eventual marriage? What about sex, what is marriage all about and how do I prepare for it?

Covers a wide range of issues from knowing who you are to knowing God's plan for your life, from learning how to make godly decisions to grasping the whole concept of marriage. If you are a single Christian or not and you are contemplating marriage then this is the book for you. A book that tells you exactly what you need to know from the truth of God's word and not about someone else's experience.

Gives you a clear understanding of why you should allow God and His word to be your guide in all your decision making

Identifies the common problems and difficulties that the single Christian person would face

How to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes from bad choices that lead to broken marriages and divorce

A deeper and greater understanding of God's purpose for marriage

What every single person should know, understand and prepare for before contemplating marriage

Deals with the most important questions asked by singles

Deals with relationship issues especially on courting, dating and sex

Plus many more

About the Author

Babatunde is a Bible scholar, tutor and a freelance Christian writer. He has a great and tremendous gift from God in understanding and digging deep into scriptures to reveal the truth.

His special mission is to bring the truth, understanding and simplicity through a bible teaching ministry to the body of Christ.