Not Just a Patient

How to Have a Life When You Have a Life-Threatening Disease




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8x9.25
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781553958604

About the Book

Not Just a Patient is a handbook for people coping with the challenges of a life-threatening illness. Born out of the author's first-hand experiences, this is a fresh take on how you can get medical care and still have a life as a real person, not just a diagnosis. Individuals with a life-threatening illness, as well as those who care about and for them, will find plenty of practical suggestions in this easy to read guide:

  • Getting, using, organizing, and understanding medical information

  • Coping with life in the hospital and at home

  • Finding the support you need

  • Tackling health insurance

  • Getting food you can eat (and enjoy) in the hospital

  • Thinking about different paths to healing

  • Finding free transportation services

  • Filling in the gaps that are not addressed by the medical system

  • Remembering and reminding others that you are a whole person

  • Working effectively with all your providers, whether they are conventional, complementary, or alternative


About the Author

Ellen Fein is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has spent more than 20 years working in the mental health field, with much of that time spent as the CEO of a rural mental health center. For several years, she worked as an independent consultant for behavioral health organizations and the National Council of Community Behavioral Health. She has written several professional books and conducted training, consultation, and project management in such areas as board training, CEO recruitment, and organizational development. As a result of her husband's illness and death, and then her own experience with cancer, she now works as a Cancer Coach, with an emphasis on mind-body medicine, supporting individuals living with cancer, and writing and speaking as well. Ellen resides in Montpelier, Vermont with her daughter Becky Goldfinger-Fein and her Tibetan Terrier, Kasha.

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