The Ditch is Just As Deep on Either Side of the Road
Book Details
About the Book
"The Ditch Is Just As Deep On Either Side of the Road" seeks to challenge the reader to evaluate his own beliefs and perceptions concerning God. This is accomplished primarily by presenting information and by asking questions that will promote group discussion and cause the reader to use his own thinking ability.
For some people, depending on their prior beliefs and upbringing, the Author may "ruffle a few feathers." If that be the case, the reader is encouraged to "read on," it could get worse! For others, the information that is presented may seem like welcome relief; it may even seem like an oasis that makes sense. Regardless of previous religious teaching that has been ingrained into the intellect, the reader of this book is encouraged to be open-minded and allow the Holy Spirit to influence his mind.
This book has three parts. Part One consists of various topics that relate to Bible verses and Biblical themes. The Author has attempted to discuss each article in depth. Part Two is basically reprinted material from the TAG Line newsletter. This newsletter was developed by TAG Ministries Foundation, Inc. of which the Author of this book is a member. Currently, though, TAG Line newsletter is not in print or circulation. These articles focus mainly on the Gospel of John, the first four chapters of which are included in this book. Part Three is centered on "Thinking Outside the Box," or in other words, "Thinking Outside of present Church doctrines and beliefs." This part also serves as an overall view and conclusion to the Author's presentation.
"The Ditch Is Just As Deep On Either Side of the Road" is thought provoking and is intended to provide an avenue for group discussion as well as for for individual reasoning and logic. Stimulating the reader's mind to consider the information contained herein is the Author's objective
About the Author
Roger Setterdahl is a grain and livestock farmer who owns and operates a farm near North Henderson, Illinois. Born in 1941, he attended college before joining the U.S. Army in 1966, spending 12 months in active duty in Vietnam during 1967-68. He and his wife Carol have two grown children. Writing is a pleasure for him, and of special interest besides farm topics is that of Christianity and religion. Participation in a small-group Bible study with friends led to the formation f TAG Ministries Foundation, Inc. This not-for-profit organization was formed in 1997 and can be located at the following web site:
Besides this book, "The Ditch Is Just As Deep On Either Side of the Road," the Author has written and published "Digging Ditches, Ph.D."