Hidden Secrets From Me to You
Book Details
About the Book
From the Author
I offer this collection of poems to you, the reader. I know I'm not alone anymore in my thoughts and feelings. And if I can reach anyone who is ''locked-up'' inside as I was - then I know God's work is being done. I was shy and sadden much of my life and was afraid to talk to anyone about how I felt. So when I was alone I would sit and write poems. This is my way of ''self expression.''
Today I know I'm not a 'bad person', I'm just me. I have learned to live, laugh, and enjoy life as it comes. If you are out there, feeling as I have, just remember this, You Are Not Alone...May God bless and keep you.
About the Author
I was born in 1958 and come from a family of six children. I grew up and have spent most of my life living on the Keweenaw Bay Indian Reservation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I enjoy listening to music, doing arts & crafts, and writing poetry.
I started writing poetry when I was in the 8th grade. Many of those Poems were lost down through the years due to carelessness of myself and others.
But through the grace of God, I now have a collection to share with you. I have learned through my experiences to live, love, laugh, cry, and to be strong and to enjoy life to its fullest. And most of all that it's okay to feel and express what is going on inside of me. May you also be able to do the same.