Happy 4 Life

Here's How to Do It

by Bob Nozik M.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/20/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781412000833

About the Book

What you will find in HAPPY 4 LIFE, are the instructoins for living a special kind of happiness that the author calls ideal happiness. This is not a book about happiness; this is a book that shows you how to get the happiness you've always wanted.

Part I of HAPPY 4 LIFE reviews the research on happiness and reveals that there are two very different kinds of happiness: ordinary and ideal.

In Part II, you'll discover that there are 12 simple principles that will lead you to happiness. They are explained and illustrated by means of real-life stories and excerises will help you master each of them.

The next section, Detours Along the Happiness Highway, points out impediments that could slow your progress to happiness as well as showing you ways for getting past them.

Finally, in Part IV, you will learn some very powerful ways for making personal change.

About the Author

Bob Nozik, MD, is Professor Emeritus at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco. He has been studying happiness ever since developing his own more than 15 years ago and is now teaching others how to find theirs through his speaking, writing, and happiness coaching. He lives with his family in Northern California.