Joshiah - Conscious Creation

by Bub Hill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x9
Page Count : 171
ISBN : 9781553697305

About the Book

Contained within the pages of Joshiah - Conscious Creation is information from Joshiah, a gentle, loving entity who exists far outside of our human reality. Delivered in a straightforward style, this channeled material is easily read and understood. The message is simple, yet profound.

Full of inspiring insights into the unlimited possibilities of creating consciously in this reality, the information also offers an explanation as to why we are here, and delves into some of the possibilities that await us in our future.

This wonderfully self-empowering material offers an optimistic outlook at a critical time in the spritual awakening of humanity. Definitely recommended for those who are searching for a connection with their spirituality.

About the Author

Joshiah - Conscious Creation was recorded, transcribed and edited by four people. The words in this book were channeled while in a state of meditation, and the channeler has no conscious memory of them. All of the information was presented by a loving, gentle entity that exists somewhere outside our reality. We were given the name Joshiah, and this is his message.