So Damn Insane

embedded stories you won't see on TV

by Robert Seamus Walsh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781412004831

About the Book

War is so damn insane, and most views of war focus on the front line action. These 17 short stories provide a glimpse into the minds and lives of people who are part of the broader organization as well as those on the "enemy" side - their mind set and motivation for actions deemed beyond comprehension.

About the Author

Robert Seamus Walsh was born in Omaha Nebraska in 1954, raised in Omaha, Madrid Spain, Watertown South Dakota, Colorado Springs Colorado, Manassas Virginia, Dundee Illinois, and Potomac Maryland. He earned two Bachelors of Science from George Washington University and a Masters from the University of Nebraska, while serving on continuous active duty in the United States Navy since 1979. He had a short story, One Way Ride, published in "Quarry West," a University of California at Santa Cruz publication shortly after enlisting in the Navy. He lives with his wife Chona and two of their sons in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He was getting ready to publish his novel version of his movie, Dr. Road Rage, when he was sent to Kuwait in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Two other works in progress include: a biography of John Wayne Nash, a survivor of the Beirut Marine Corps Barracks bombing, and SEX, DRUGS, and ROCK & ROLL, and a few other things to consider before enlisting in the military.