Roll Models

People Who Live Successfully Following Spinal Cord Injury And How They Do It

by Richard Holicky



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/18/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9781412040228

About the Book

"I thought life was pretty much over." Paul Herman

"I was afraid people wouldn't see me for who I still was." Cathy Green

"I didn't need this to be a better person." Susan Douglas

"I wasn't sure I wanted to live 'this way.'" Kevin Wolitzky

The above four people and 49 more just like them went on to find high levels of success and lead satisfying lives. Together they tell 53 stories of moving forward to meet all the challenges, fears, obstacles, and problems common to the life-altering circumstances after spinal cord injury, and doing it without benefit of wealth, large settlements or solid health coverage. Ranging in age from 21 to 67, disabled from three to 48 years they share 931 years of disability experience.

Roll Models is a valuable new resource for recently injured people and their families, and for nurses, therapists, psychologists and all other professionals who treat, work with and care for people with spinal cord injury.

Straight from the horse's mouth, survivors explore their experiences with disability and answer many questions those in rehab are asking:

Early Thoughts
What were your thoughts immediately following injury?
What were your initial thoughts and reactions regarding SCI and the future?

The First Years
What were your biggest fears during that first year or so?
How did you get past those early fears?

Changes, Obstacles and Solutions
How much different are you now, compared to how you were before injury?
What's been the biggest obstacle?
How did you address these obstacles?

Finding What Works
What have been the most difficult things for you to deal with since injury?
What's the worst thing about having an SCI and using a chair?
What's been your biggest loss due to injury?
Is SCI the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Tell me something about your problem solving skills.
How do you deal with stress? What do you do to relieve stress?

Salvations, Turning Points and More
Was there any one thing that was your "salvation" or key to your success?
Was there a turning point for you when you began to feel things were going to get better?
What personal factors, habits and beliefs have helped you the most?

SCI and Meaning
Do you find any meaning, purpose or lessons in your disability?
Did any positive opportunities come your way because of your injury?
What's your greatest accomplishment? What are you most proud of?

"A wonderful roadmap with many alternate routes to living and thriving with SCI." Minna Hong, SCI survivor and Peer Support Coordinator/Vocational Liaison, Shepherd Center

"Avoids the trap of providing a 'one size fits all mentality' and provides solutions as varied as the individuals used as examples. Accentuates the positives while not sugar coating the difficulties. Essential reading." Jeff Cressy SCI survivor and Director of Consumer and Community Affairs, SCI Project, Rancho Los Amigos

"A great resource for people as they venture out into the world, or search for meaning and a deeper, richer life. Filled with examples of real people and their real experiences." Terry Chase, ND, RN; SCI survivor; Patient & Family Education Program Coordinator, Craig Hospital

"A wonderful tool for the newly spinal cord injured individual, as well as the therapists and counselors working with them. This certainly hits the mark in capturing important survival strategies." Jack Dahlberg, SCI survivor, Past President of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association

"Artfully crafted and organized, Roll Models sensitively portrays life following spinal cord injury. Informative, creative, sensitive, as well as infused with humor and a kind heart. Recommended with my highest accolades." Lester Butt, Ph.D., ABPP, Director of the Department of Psychology, Craig Hospital

About the Author

Richard Holicky has been writing about spinal cord injury and disability issues since his injury in 1989. As a researcher, writer and peer counselor at Craig Rehabilitation Hospital he studied and wrote extensively on spinal cord injury and aging, and authored a book and numerous articles for family caregivers. Prior to injury he was, alternately, a teacher, farmer, woodsman, hard rock miner, writer, youth worker, teacher and community organizer. Since then, in addition to writing, he's worked as a teacher, counselor and mediator in the Denver area.