What You Can Learn From a Snake and a Worm

by Tuck



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/1/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781412043977

About the Book

What You Can Learn From a Snake and a Worm is an illustrated, rhyming children's book. The book will capture a child's imagination, challenge a young person's vocabulary and introduce the child to basic geometric shapes. The use of bold primary colors and illustrations brings the story to life!

About the Author

Tucker Spolter is a teacher who taught in high school, middle school and adult school. Among many subjects, one of his favorite classes is creative writing. He wrote and directed the documentary, "Television the Surrogate Parent," narrated by Martin Sheen. His novel "Work of Art, " finished in the top five of America's Best. His screenplays "Creation" and "Ton Eighty" both finished in the top ten in the same contest. Tucker is completing two new children's stories and his second novel "Mythomaniac". He is also a musician and has performed in night clubs.

The Illustrators, Donna Yan and Stacy Gee are currently earning Art Degrees at the University of California San Francisco. Tucker Spolter was stunned by the incredible artisitic ability of Donna Yan when she was a student in his class several years ago. In college, Donna and Stacy, another gifted artist, formed a partnership. Recently this trio of teacher and students decided to put their collective talents together and the results are:

The Shape of Things Through Butterfly Wings and What You Can Learn From a Snake and a Worm

Upcoming attractions include: Twister, Twinkle and Starlight Save Christmas, Pickle The Reindeer Who Refused to Learn How to Fly, Nimbus Nimble the Naughty Witch of Wayward Way, What About You? and About This and That Through the Eyes of a Bat.

We hope to see Twister, Twinkle and Starlight, Pickle and Nimbus Nimble turned into animated films that would air seasonally.

For more information about these books, click here!