I'll Cook, You Take the Garbage Out

by Roger Cortes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/2/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781490772325

About the Book

This ain't no grand-ma's cookbook or the Ladies Auxiliary either. This is just a regular guys' cookbook written by a regular guy. The recipes contained in this book are basic and easy to prepare, yet delicious nonetheless. They are dishes that are served as daily specials or featured on the menu at the author's sports bar/restaurant, McCabe's, in Liberty, New York. They are approved by the toughest critics, the customers.

Sandwiched between the recipes is the author's collection of some of his favourite jokes. Included in the recipes is the author's sometimes strange, cynical and humorous outlook on friends, drinking and relationships.

Though predominantly written for men, any woman who appreciates the nature of the beast that man is will appreciate the humour and the recipes within.

About the Author

Hi. I'm Roger Cortes, the author of this book. At the request of the publishers, I'm going to tell you a little "About the Author".

I was born in Da Bronx, N.Y. into a family of seven children. We ran out of room in the city and moved up to suburbia where I spent my "formative years".

At thirteen I got my first job working at a summer resort called Davie's Lake. I quickly figured out that working in the kitchen was a far better place to be than picking up trash or baking in the sun in a large open field showing people where to park. From the age of thirteen to eighteen I worked my way up the ranks from scraping baking pans to preparing dinner for up to one thousand guests.

After two years in the army I spent the next fifteen years floating around the country playing rock and roll, working construction, tending bar and cooking. I finally settled down, (somewhat), got married, had two beautiful girls and bought myself a bar/restaurant.

I've been a writer all my life and have been published in song, poetry and short stories. This is my first complete book. Someday I'll finish the other four.

I currently reside in Ferndale, N.Y., a small town in the heart of the once famous "Borscht Belt" Catskill Mountains, where I still own and operate my places, McCabe's and Warehouse III.