Pregnant, Afraid and Alone! "What Do I Do Right Now?!"

by Trish Casiano



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/3/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781412054416

About the Book

In writing this book, it is my wish to provide unmarried pregnant girls with first-hand insight on what they may or may not expect by sharing my personal thoughts, behaviors, and outcomes. I'm hoping they will find comfort and a sense of mutual commonness in reading this book.

It is simply a written account of my life's experience, thus far, as a single parent.

I initially began writing this book for therapeutic reasons. It was a way for me to visualize my life's circumstances so I can put them into perspective. By writing down bits and pieces of my life, I was able to analyze and evaluate the undetermined path I was on and ensure its congruency with my short- term and long- term goals that I established prior to my son's birth. This book is my gift in return or all that I have gained from reading about other parents' trials and tribulations. It is my hope that other girls and/ or struggling single parents, who find themselves in the same situation, will know there is a light at the end of their tunnel.