The Heart Shaped Amulet




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781553954910

About the Book

The Heart Shaped Amulet is based on an heirloom piece of jewelry. A heart shaped necklace with a diamond periphery and a center crystal looking portal which is a doorway to a different dimension. the necklace was deemed an amulet when back in Sicily, the great great great grandmother of the heroine, Chloe, was struck dead by a bolt of lightning in a black lake. A mysterious and questionable reputed High Bishop, who obtained the amulet in Rome, placed it on dead Maria's neck and she was brought back to life. Upon returning to life, she was bestowed with psychic abilities credited to the heart shaped amulet. Since then, all the women of her bloodline possess these psychic abilities which is both a blessing and a curse. Soul saving missions are accomplished by Chloe throughout her lifetime and only at the end of her life is it clear that the possessor of the heart shaped amulet is in need of saving herself! One soul Chloe saves is that of her beloved Marble Earthquake Eyes who later, after his death, will save his and Chloe's son. The Hearth Shaped Amulet is good versus evil to the max and it points out strongly how vulnerable we mortals are, and how easily we are fooled.

About the Author

Semy-Aror (Half-Light) was born January 1, 1953, of a Sicilian mother and a Hungarian Gypsy father. She was raised with rites, rituals, and magic since birth, meetings with spirits, entities of the Universe, out of body experiences, and the like, all a normal part of living through childhood. A Tarot Card expert with flourishing clientele, Semy practices in her "Mystic Cottage" on her spacious wooded property made up of three plateaus, each one about thirty feet higher than the other. Paranormal experiences, or at least what is regarded as paranormal, is a "constant" on this acre of terraced forest, especially with animals. Semy is also know as the "Sqirrel Lady" in her small village town. A scientist in many veins, a spiritual healer, an artist and a writer, a dancer, and in the mundane world, a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing. Semy often cites: "Today's Magic is Tomorrow's Science."