When You're Not You

A Personal Journey Through Addictions, Childhood Abuse and Codependency

by Ted McIntyre & Kelly Dame



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781466956421

About the Book

Kelly and Ted, a couple facing occupational burnout, knew they needed to take time off and undertook the largest risk of their married life. They left their high paid work, rented out their home, bought an old jeep, and drove the entire coast of Mexico. They didnÕt speak the language and they had no plan except for a daily appeal for spiritual guidance in their adventure.

While walking the beach on the Caribbean side of Mexico, they were inspired to write this book and upon their return to Canada they lived in a small cabin on the lake where they chopped wood and passed the winter writing this deeply personal reality book.

Although the book is about their path, in part, it largely focuses on a twenty year process of personal growth. The early part of the book describes the process through denial and the depth of alcoholic despair that culminated in suicide attempts, detox, relapse, treatment, and the search for recovery that really works.

It examines many of the myths and barriers to recovery and reveals pitfalls and fear based beliefs that often lean to relapse or cross addiction.

The reader learns how to become empowered and how to let go of old messages which offer little more than lives filled with compromise, anxiety, and depression. New Possibilities such as accessing inner guidance, following your heart, discovering your passion, finding meaningful purpose and enjoying inner peace are benefits gleaned from doing this work.

Integrating all the tools we have acquired has allowed us to become the authorities of our own lives, creating a healthy relationship and manifesting simple abundance in all that we do.

We realize that there are many paths through life and ultimately each person needs to find their own way. More so, we believe that help is always available for those who ask for it. We humbly offer this book as an inspiration to you as you empower yourself forward.

Thank you,

Kelly and Ted

About the Author

Kelly and Ted live in Vancouver's West End near Stanley Park and the seawall. They enjoy spending time together and manifesting a life of simple abundance. Their favorite activities include spending time outdoors, walking the seawall, going to the beach, secondhand shopping, dining in ethnic restaurants, and sunshine.