The Epic of Stick-Guy Chapter One


by Jay Singh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/25/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x7.75
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781412001984

About the Book

As a mixture of pure adventure and tragedy,the story of Stick-Guy,the ill-drawn brain-burp of Stan the Burger-flipper, and his futile quest for perfection transcends the barrier of time, for it revolves around fundamental desires, ambitions, and problems common to all heroes, whether super or ordinary. This then is the story of Stick-Guy's long and arduous journey toward perfection, of his encounters with monsters and mummies, dragons and demons, gods and demigods, and of the countless friends he earned along the way. Eloquent and imaginative, you have here a story more profound than the common stick-figure's quest for fame and superpower, for Stick-Guy has a truly epic quality and scope, and this version is one of the finest surviving epic poems from the Cavern of Failed Creations.

About the Author

With less than a billion of his books in print worldwide, Jay Singh is perhaps the most sardonic, perplexing and insightful fabler of our day. In the EPIC OF STICK-GUY he immerses the reader in a world of stories, old and new, where Stick-Guy hunts the jewel of each story so that he may be magically morphed into a new version of himself. Drawing on fairy tale, folk tale, and mythology - as well as modern philosophical and psychological thought - Singh has created a witty and highly engaging work of genius.