What Colors Did You Eat Today?

by Hope H. Lee & Illustrated by Rori Bean



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 16
ISBN : 9781466994584

About the Book

Hope H. Lee retired from the Prince George’s County, Maryland school system where she taught Family and Consumer Sciences at Oxon Hill High School from 1996 to 2009. She taught Foods and Nutrition, Fashion Design and Interior Design Ms. Lee began her career in 1960, working as an Inventory Management Specialist for the Department of Defense, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From there, she transferred to Washington, D.C. to assume a position as a Budget Analyst for the Department of Defense where she maintained the Research and Development budget of over $40 million plus budget for the Undersea Warfare Office. Throughout her employment, she routinely attended professional development courses in order to advance her position in the organization. Ms. Lee retired from civil service in 1993 with 32 years of service. An honors graduate of Morgan State College (now University), Baltimore, Maryland, she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics Education. She also holds a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from Western Maryland College (now McDaniel College), Westminster, Maryland. Her education has spanned an entire lifetime and she continues to avail herself to every opportunity to engage in lifelong learning. Ms. Lee has held numerous leadership positions in church, civic and professional organizations. She directed and managed a female gospel group for 10 years and traveled extensively with them. In addition, she is, or has been, affiliated with the following organizations: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Maryland State Teachers Association, National Educators Association, Morgan State University National Alumni Association, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Maryland Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and Chapel Hill Citizens’ Association, Inc. in Maryland. Ms. Lee has always been concerned about the eating habits of young children. Hopefully this book will make a difference for many of them.

About the Author

Hope H. Lee is currently retired from the Maryland public school system where she taught Family and Consumer Sciences from 1996 to 2009. Ms. Lee began her career in 1960 with the Department of Defense and retired in 1993. She has held leadership positions in church, civic and professional organizations.