You Are A Light Being, Embracing Your Natural State




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/6/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8x10
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781412074148

About the Book

Reading You are a Light Being is powerful, transformative, insightful, healing and deeply fulfilling because it touches the core of our Being. It evokes clarity and stirs our innate love to become alive. Long-held beliefs, limiting thoughts and unquestioned concepts crumble in the face of Truth. Through his words, Burt transmits the energy from the eternal fountain of Truth. He shares a wealth of deep understanding through his unique clear expression. He shows that everything, without exception, stems from Pure Consciousness and there is indeed no separation. Burt’s writings point us unambiguously to the truth – what we are seeking we are already. We recognize that, by seeing clearly what we are not.

About the Author

Burt Harding was born in 1933 and grew up in Malta (an island south of Italy). His life has been filled with every imaginable experience, from war, sexual assault, attempted suicide, physical wealth, poverty, to divorces etc. In his early twenties he moved to Toronto. There, he worked as a physical education teacher and later on as a physiotherapist until Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi appeared to him in a vision in 1973, which changed the course of his life completely. From then on things started to happen for him. He was asked to help people with past life trauma, teach Yoga and hold his own TV series on Body/Mind Connection. He studied Psychology in Berkeley, California, then moved to Vancouver where he taught Super-Learning, Yoga and Tai Chi at UBC. Burt Harding has been doing extensive explorations in the field of higher consciousness for over thirty years. He offered classes in a Course in Miracles. These classes evolved into his weekly satsangs after a profound experience where he knew he is spirit, expressing as 'Burt'. His hypnotherapy sessions changed to Supersentience sessions after an 'explosive' light-experience in 1998. On his website ( he shares a wealth of inspiration besides his weekly prompted scripts which he also e-mails to more than one thousand subscribers all over the world. By welcoming e-mail questions he guides hundreds of spiritual seekers, not only locally but around the globe. Burt Harding is a Master in the true sense of the word.