Promised Saved But Only Deceived
Learn About the Only Way You Can Obtain Christ Jesus' Salvation
Book Details
About the Book
The book condemns out rightly the teachings of elders concerning salvation otherwise known as alter-call warning that men who hold to such teaching will languish in hell fire. It explains the TRUE SALVATION as when one hears the undiluted gospel and REPENT from his old ways and is BAPTISED in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins and then receive the HOLY GHOST through the LAYING ON OF HANDS.
The book also has a testimony from the author of how he began and the challenges, which he encountered in his life as an elect of God. It goes to show that the story of Joseph in the Bible was real and in every case it does so much to challenge you the reader to emulate the patience, increase faith and be assured of your miracle.
All the account of the testimony is verifiable and some parts were presented mild, away from certain disgusting details of man's inhumanity to his fellow man. In summary it gives you the final key to trust in God at all times and expect the unexpected from man, no matter how related or intimate you may be. Most importantly it sounds a note of warning that man must be careful of his dealings with his neighbor because "whatever a man sows that he will reap."