Marketing Engineering

by Gary L. Lilien; Arvind Rangaswamy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/2/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8x10
Page Count : 544
ISBN : 9781412022521

About the Book

Several forces are transforming the structure and content of the marketing profession. Marketers are seeing increasingly faster changes in the marketplace and are barraged with an ever increasing amount of information. While many view traditional marketing as art and some view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks like engineering. This textbook, combined with a collection of leading-edge software models (available separately) provides the student with the know-how and tools to collect the right information and perform analysis to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better decisions.

Our purpose in writing this book is to help educate and train a new generation of marketing managers. We aim to train marketing engineers to translate concepts into context-specific operational decisions and actions using analytical, quantitative, and computer modeling techniques. We link theory to practice and practice to theory.

A Note from the Author:

Dear Marketing Engineering Revised Edition 2 User:

The several editions of Marketing Engineering that we have published since 1998 have been aimed at a fairly narrow, somewhat technical audience interested in bringing more scientific rigor to the marketing discipline. Versions of that book were adopted by more than 150 business schools on five continents. In 2007 we published Principles of Marketing Engineering to reach a broader, less technical audience. A key complement of that book, in response to user feedback, was Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL), i.e., our Marketing Engineering software as an Excel Add-in. The response to that effort has been extremely positive and we have abandoned the original Marketing Engineering software platform, the one that produced the software complement to previous editions of this book.

Hence, as the note on the cover indicates, software is not included with the book. More importantly, when we reference software in the book, those references refer to a version of the software that is no longer available.

Gary Lilien

"I am very excited about this book. Finally marketing can exhibit its scientific muscle and move from opinions-based decision making to data-based decision making. I think this is a very important book that will spawn a new discipline within marketing."
Philip Kotler, Northwestern University

About the Author

Gary L. Lilien, who coined the term marketing engineering, is Distinguished Research Professor of Management Science at the Smeal College of Business at Penn State. He is also co-founder and Research Director of the Institute for the Study of Business Markets at Penn State, an organization aimed at fostering research and interchange in nonconsumer markets. He holds three degrees in operations research, from the School of Engineering at Columbia University. Previously, Prof. Lilien was a member of the faculty at the Sloan School at MIT. His research interests are in marketing engineering, market segmentation, new product modeling, marketing-mix issues for business products, bargaining and negotiations, modeling the industrial-buying process and innovation-diffusion modeling.

Prof. Lilien is the author or co-author of 12 books (including Marketing Models with Philip Kotler) and over 80 professional articles. He was Departmental Editor for Marketing for Management Science; is on the editorial board of the International Journal for Research in Marketing and the Journal of Business to Business Marketing; is Functional Editor for Marketing for Interfaces, and is Area Editor for Marketing Science. He is former Editor in Chief of Interfaces. He served as President as well as Vice President/Publications for the Institute of Management Sciences. He is U.S. Coordinator for the European Marketing Academy , was named an inaugural EMAC Fellow and serves on the board of directors of the INFORMS College on Marketing.

Prof. Lilien is a winner of the Alpha Kappa Psi award for the outstanding article in the Journal of Marketing. He was honored as the 2001-2002 Morse Lecturer by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), was named one of the inaugural INFORMS Fellows and received the Kimball medal from INFORMS for distinguished contributions to the field of operations research and . He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Liege, the University of Ghent and Aston University.

Prof. Lilien's consulting clients Arcelor, AT&T, BP, Dow, DuPont, Eastman Chemical, Exelon, Federal Reserve Bank, IBM, Pillsbury, Pitney Bowes, Sprint and Xerox and is co-founder of the marketing analytics consulting firm, DecisionPro Inc.

Prof. Lilien is three-time winner and seven-time finalist in the Penn State Squash Club Championship and has substantial collections of fine wines and unusual porcine objects.