Simplicity and Success

Creating the Life You Long For

by Bruce Elkin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781412002967
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781412212007

About the Book

I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Crafting a simple life would be easy if getting rid of stress and clutter was all that simplicity seekers sought, but it isn't; we alos seek success. We long to create results that matter in our lives, work, and relationships. However, by defining simplicity as a solution to life's stress and complexity, many approaches point us toward relief rather than results. Because relief is usually temporary, we often oscillate between simplicity and success without realizing either. At best, the simplicity we achieve is the simplicity on this side of complexity.

Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For will help you go beyond merely getting rid of what you don't want. It will help you discover what you love and create a life that shows it. It will help you integrate conflicting desires by shifting your focus from solving problems to creating what matters. It will empower you to embrace life's complexity, appreciate its richness, and move through its often chaotic "messiness" to the deep, lasting and fulfilling simplicity on the other side of complexity.

Driven by vision, grounded in reality, and focused on results that matter, this simple yet powerful approach will help you simplify your life, achieve the success you long for, and feel energized, authentic and whole.

About the Author

Bruce Elkin has lived simply and successfully for twenty five years. He is a Personal, Professional, and Executive Coach and President of Summit Strategies, a Strategic Design and Planning Firm. He has taught his approach Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For to clients as diverse as single moms on welfare to Fortune 500 executives. He taught at Simon Fraser University, the University of Calgary, and the Banff Centre. For five years, he was Senior Trainer for The Institute for Earth Education. He was a founding Associate of the Action Studies Institute. For nine years, he studied and worked with Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance and founder of the field of Structural Consulting . Bruce writes and publishes Simplicity and Success, a popular electronic newsletter. His firm but caring coaching and enthusiastic teaching and talks have helped thousands discover what they love and live a life that shows it.