Creative Being

5 Steps to Creativity and Problem Solving in Everything You Do

by Ernest Porps; Jennifer Woodhull



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/17/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781412052047

About the Book

What do you have in common with Grandma Moses, Oscar Wilde, and Joni Mitchell?

Just like them, you're fully equipped to realize any creative project you want to accomplish.

By the same token, great problem solvers like Amelia Earhart and Albert Einstein simply knew how to tap into their innate human intelligence. You already have everything you need to draw from the same vast, inexhaustible source.

Creative Being isn't a formula or a motivational system. Written by a university professor and perfected over years of road testing, it reveals a practical methodology for uncovering and empowering the creative energy at work in our lives right this minute. Our natural ingenuity is longing to burst free – it needs only to be discovered and befriended. This book will show you how.

Clear, insightful, and jampacked with proven practices, Creative Being lets you in on the secret of your own creative genius. Use it at home, at school, at work, in relationships; in arts, crafts, commerce, industry, and politics. At every level of your world, these invaluable tools can unlock the inventions, art works, and solutions already seeded in your own intelligence.

Whether you're looking to activate your infinitely creative being, or simply to sharpen your everyday problem solving skills, this book can help you find the way.

About the Author

Ernest Porps evolved his creative and problem solving practices over years of university level teaching. A native of Chicago, Illinois, he holds master's degrees in both architectural design and fine arts (painting). As a licensed architect, Ernest has designed homes, theatrical sets, and environmental installations, and has worked as an urban designer. He has also choreographed and performed modern dance pieces. His paintings, drawings, sculptures, and oriental flower arrangements have been exhibited widely. A former full professor at the University of Colorado, Ernest continues to present creativity and problem solving workshops both within and beyond the academic environment.