I Give You My Word

by Barbara A Pavey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/13/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781425196363
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781412087841

About the Book

I give you My Word is bible-based and bible-inspired. The author unfolds a journey of faith and encourages the reader to look for and relate to God in every detail of life. Whatever or wherever you are as an individual, you can communicate with God and find expression through your uniqueness of character and personality. You can also expect Him to communicate with you in like manner.

These God-inspired pages are packed with revelation. Like a menu at your favourite restaurant, you can select a snack, a starter, a main course, a dessert, or simply enjoy coffee and a chat with friends. In this case, the friends to whom the author would introduce you, are the Word of God and Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the menu includes the various means of relationship with each, through prayer, poetry, word studies, self-expression, at whatever level you choose.

It's a coffee-table devotional, and I give you My Word is both simple yet profound in its refreshing presentation of the author's obvious devotion to her God. Always encouraged to write, she uses the gift God has given her, opens it, and shares it - with you.

Find a quiet time and place in your day, pick up this book and commune with God. There are self-help section introductions on how to study the Word of God, how to talk to Him, how to listen to Him, how to write your own up-to-date psalms (poetry), how to jot down your own personal musings, and how to find variety and fun in your day-by-day relationship with God. It'll help grow you as a person and a personality. I give you My Word.

About the Author

I'm Barbara Pavey, born and brought up in West London, with a brother who shared womb-time with me, my 10-minute older twin! My husband and I now reside in Bucks.

An Accountant by trade, I'm keen on languages, travel, garden and home design (with hubby), cooking, reading, learning, enjoying new experiences - this book being one of them!

I was 'born-again' at the age of 12, in a Youth Group at the local Baptist Church and have always had a heart for short-term mission trips. As a keen bible scholar and teacher I have been privileged to minister in Malaysia, Spain and still frequently in Serbia amongst a growing network of evangelical churches. In UK, I have spoken at Youth Meetings, local churches and in Ladies' Ministry. God has also gifted me administratively and I have helped organise many social events.

My Christian faith has always been my spiritual anchor and my bible the plumb-line by which I live life. This faith has to be worked out on a daily basis. I may have drifted on numerous occasions but that anchor is connected to Jesus the Rock, and He has never left me! Because of Him, my testimony is this - 'I'm still here!'