Want Great Sex? Put the Cap on the Toothpaste!

A Less Traveled Road to Blissful Intimacy

by Renee Hecker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/11/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x7
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781412091619

About the Book

It has been said that love is a mystery. The element of love that seems to mystify most of us is how to get those romantic feelings and sexual desires between spouses to linger past the first twelve months of marriage.

This is one of those rare, little books of wisdom and insight that every so often makes its way into the hands of the public. In this instructional book you will discover:

  • The true definition of great sex that many do not understand.
  • The two core reasons romantic love and desire within a relationship begin to disintegrate.
  • The underlying reason some women cry in sadness during intercourse with their mate.
  • The unspoken messages our various daily actions communicate which undo sexual desires and why.
  • How the differences in a man and woman's sex drive can actually be used to deepen romance and intimacy.
  • Why emotionally letting go of your spouse and giving freedom leads to deeper intimacy.
  • Some of the simplest and easiest gifts that can be given daily to encourage continuing romance.

With practical and insightful wisdom, Renee addresses not only frustrated couples who long to enjoy passion in their marriage once again, but also newly married couples and those looking forward to marriage who want to keep their sex life with each other alive and enjoyable for the long haul.

This wonderful book lays bare the raw truth of why sexual desire fails. It is for those daring and honest individuals who are willing to step up to the plate, take responsibility for their actions, and begin embarking on a journey down "The less traveled road to blissful intimacy".

Inspiring! Challenging! Eye-opening! This book is your key to great sex and lasting love!

About the Author

Renee Hecker was born and raised in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN. She married her husband, Nathan, in 1985, and moved to the wilderness in Northern MN to begin a pioneer lifestyle. Nathan built a log cabin, and they lived without electricity or running water for 15 years. They now live in the country in Northwest Wisconsin. They have 10 children ranging in ages 8 months to 19 years old.

Along with raising her children and home schooling, she finds great pleasure in sharing with others those things that she has learned which make her life full of joy and worth living.